Carlos MEjia

Position: Receptionist / Customer Service.
Languages: Spanish, English.
His role: He will be your first contact, a positive person willing to help you from the start.

About him

Carlos, originally from El Salvador, possesses a deep understanding of immigration issues and the compelling reasons that drive individuals to seek a new life in a different country. As your initial point of contact, he can truly empathize with your situation.

Carlos holds a degree in International Relations with a specialization in Human Rights, demonstrating his commitment to justice and fairness. He has been dedicated to the field of customer service since 2019.

Joining the Armstrong Legal team in July 2023, Carlos has been serving as the first point of contact ever since. He is fully prepared to answer your call and assist you with your specific needs.

Being passionate about helping others every day, has helped me become a better person.

– Carlos Mejia

We are proud of our service!

Meet our Team

At Armstrong Legal, we firmly believe that the success of our firm and the effectiveness of our legal representation are rooted in the excellence and dedication of our team. Comprised of passionate and committed professionals, our team is the heart of Armstrong Legal.

7 team members

7 years of experience

Service in English and Spanish
